Artist: Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

Vision and Action by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

Personal Statement

I have been working as a textile artist for over 20 years.  My creative expression is shown through exhibiting at galleries, publishing books and teaching. I primarily create work which is imbued with personal references and are rarely representational, but whatever their form I am looking for a positive and emotive response from the viewer.

Detail from 'Personal Statements' Series by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

The Artworks

My experimental and curious nature leads to continuously evolving and changing series’ of works. Overall my work is personal, universal, disconcerting and fascinating.

Many works are composed of evocative forms and figures incorporated into surfaces articulated with complex, undulating and interwoven designs and text. Patterns emerge slowly as the work is viewed. Gentle, yet obsessive, dense, repeating and interlocking patterns and figures in the works are derived from personal markings such as fingerprints and body markings along with the working of a mostly unconscious human ancestral memory.  

I constantly search for new dimensions of textiles in my contemporary works and I find that using textile techniques in unusual materials such as metal and mixing the textiles with other media gives me the scope to investigate my interest in the different surface qualities which are achievable.

I often work in metal and cloth made from metals which is treated, distressed, textured, printed, layered and stitched before being assembled to create the final pieces.

Inspiration is drawn from the ever changing natural world, including figures, plants, landscape and geology and from my internal world and emotions. My scientific background and continuing interest in the natural environment and it’s connection with human existence is often combined with a fascination about the traditions of widely differing cultures and times and the universal creative urge.

I create panels, hangings and framed pieces which are suitable for most environments, including domestic, restaurants, corporate and business spaces and public buildings. Pieces range from canvases, framed pieces and hangings to large hangings, mounted works and sculptural pieces which can be any size. 

Detail from 'time to see' by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden


Recently I have been engaged to create sculptures suitable for the outdoors. The ‘Woven in the Landscape’ series can be viewed and purchased at the Kiapara Sculpture Garden: (

Detail from 'Woven in the Landscape' Series by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

Coming soon, 8 -30 March 2014 is a large sculpture set into the lake on the Te Atatu Peninsula: (

 The ‘Absence and Presence’ series is currently on exhibition at the Beetroot Tree Gallery (UK) (

From 'Absence and Presence' Series by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

Other work, information and contacts can be found at:

Video artist statement for 'Lines in the Landscape' Series: Watch Here

Authored Books:

  •         ‘Stitch, Fibre, Metal and Mixed Media’ (Search Press) Publication 2014
  •         ‘this Lustr’ed cloth’ - a fibre artists workbook of metals. (2007) 
  •          ‘The Continuous Thread of Revelation’. (2006) 
  •         ‘Between the sheets with Angelina – a workbook for fusible fibres’. (2003)

Stitch, Fibre, Metal and Mixed Media by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden (2014)

Between the Sheets with Angelina by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

The Continuous Thread of Revelation by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

This Lustr'ed Cloth by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden

Published Articles:

  • 2004 - present  
    Project and information articles in ‘Sewing World’, ‘Stitch’, ‘Paper, Cloth, Scissors’, ‘Workbox’, ‘Workshop on the Web’, ‘Classic Stitches’, ‘The Computer Textile Design Group'
  • 2004 – 2005
    Craftsman Magazine ‘Diary of a craftsman’ 12 monthly 2,000 word articles.          

Art Awards:        

  •       Winner National Embroidery Championship for Wearable Art (1998) 
  •       Second Place National Embroidery Championship (1998)                                          
  •       Winner National Embroidery Championship for Wearable Art (1997)

Major Commissions:

  •        ‘Chequered Hands’ Metal Cloth Panel in four sections, approx. 3m x 2.4m (2009) Private Client.   
  •        ‘These roads we travel together’. Metal and Metal Cloth Hanging Pair, each approx. 0.6m x 1.3m          (2008) Private Client. 
  •  Wedding Clothes for June & David. Silk, embroidery, beads and sequins.(2006)
  •       ‘Corporeal eye’
    Multi-media installation performance. (Festo Engineering and University College, Northampton)(1997)
  •      ‘Awaking Aurora’
    Sets, costumes and exhibition for Foreign Bodies Dance Theatre Company (Northampton University College and Birmingham University)(1996)

Other Recent Galleries and Exhibitions:

  • ·         Knitting and Stitching Show, London and Harrogate (Annual exhibitions 1999 – present)
  • ·         The Beetroot Tree, Derbyshire, UK
  • ·         NorthArt, Northcote, NZ
  • ·         Seed Gallery, Derbyshire, UK.
  • ·         Rufford Gallery, Nottinghamshire, UK. Title: All That Glimmers
  • ·         Living Threads, Derbyshire, UK. Title:  Visual Delight (                                           
  • ·         Estuary Arts, Orewa, NZ.
  • ·         Deda, Derby, UK. Title: Restriction and Release (Solo).
  • ·         The Quilt Show. Birmingham, UK.
  • ·         Living Threads, Derbyshire, UK. Title: Celebrations
  • ·         The Beetroot Tree. Title: Lines in the Land
  • ·         Art Van Go, Hertfordshire, UK. Title: Restriction and Release (Solo).
  • ·         The Beetroot Tree, Derbyshire, UK. Title: Grammar & Heather.
  • ·         The Beetroot Tree, Derbyhsire, UK. Title: Restriction & Release.
  • ·         Living Threads, Derbyshire, UK. Title: Local Heritage
  • ·         Art Van Go, Hertfordshire, UK. Title: Seeing with Closed Eyes (Solo)
  • ·         Cetra Gallery, Wirral, UK.
  • ·         Art in the Frame, Jersey, UK.                            
  • ·         Yorko Gallery, Harrogate, UK. Title: The Continuous Thread (Solo)
  • ·         Rockpool Fine Arts, Devon, UK.
  • ·         Living Threads, Derbyshire, UK. Title: The Time and the Place
  • ·         Greenweaver Gallery, Yorkshire, UK.                              
  • ·         Knitting & Stitching Show. Dublin, Harrogate, London, Birmingham. Title: The Continuous Thread of Revelation (Solo)
  • ·         The Jinney Ring, Worcestershire, UK.
  • ·         Rainbow Gallery, Nottinghamshire, UK.
  • ·         Pocklington Gallery, Leicester, UK.

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